Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I am an Army Wife

So I have to speak my peace on something I read and so as not to get caught up in the fight with the wives on the page where I read all this I'm going to blog my opinion here.

I recently seen a post on Facebook on a support page for wives of military men. They were arguing about the fact of whether it is appropriate to call ourselves "Army Wives" or the like. And some were saying that they find it rude and embarrassing to be called that along with saying that carrying an ACU bag (or whatever camo your husband wears) is rude and showboating. Personally I think this is a bunch of crap. I will always proudly refer to myself as an Army Wife...not to try to mean anything by it other than I am proud to be the wife of a soldier. I understand that there are other ways to say it but it is the easiest and it has been the title we have carried for years. But just because I refer to myself as an army wife or military wife doesn't mean that's all I am. I am a daughter, a mother, a friend, a sister, and so many other things. I don't live in my husband's shadow by carrying that title because I am my own person and I have my own set of achievements and flaws. And as far as the bags/purses or whatever else I may carry or wear that represents my place beside my husband I have just for that reason to show my support no matter how far apart we may be. I may not always get the chance to talk and tell people how proud I am of my husband and his brothers and sisters in arms but I can wear my support so that anyone can see that I stand beside my husband and our armed forces.

I will ALWAYS carry this proudly.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Starting Over

Okay so over the last few weeks I have lost motivation and myself and completely given up on dieting and everything and boy do I regret it now. Things have been rough for me and I've let my PCOS take over and win. But I am taking a stand today and going to kick my own ass no matter what it takes or how much I'm hurting. I could blame it on our crazy family schedule and stress but I'm not I'm admitting I failed.
I started my second to last month of birth control yesterday so that gives me two months to get myself in gear and start loosing weight. I don't expect miracles but I am determined to get results and not give up on myself again. (Which happens to be my biggest flaw as a person is doubting myself and not giving me any credit). I know my hopes of ever joining the military are down the drain thanks to my ovaries but my #1 goal right now is to keep my body in the shape that I would be in if I had the chance to join.
I don't know how I'm going to do this but I do know it's going to take a lot of motivation and trial and error to find what works best for me and that I can't give up.
On a completely different note Harley got promoted to specialist on the 1st which has been much deserved for a very long time. I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of him and how lucky I am to call myself his wife. I know a lot of people say that being a military wife is the hardest job in the military but I have to completely disagree because all it requires is us to love our family and stay faithful when he's away. Because although the times we are apart is hard it's all worth it and all forgotten when we are back in each others arms.
But that's my little soap box for the day haha. He is playing softball with his unit which I love watching and being able to be apart of :). I guess what free time we have between family stuff and Army stuff will be spent studying. Me for my pharmacy technician final and him for boards.
We have also started the process of getting ready for Christmas and doing a major house cleaning and organizing so we can start shopping. I might be insane for starting this early but it saves us fighting crowds and is a lot easier on our bank account. We have his list completely done and broke up on when to get what (along with paying off the credit card by the 15th of next month). I am so excited on how things are looking.