Monday, July 9, 2012

Just Catching Up

So I haven't taken the time to write and keep an update of how I'm doing so here we go lol.

I have finished all my schooling just studying and preparing to take my final exam and trying to find a free 3 hours to do it in (like that's possible with a husband and kid lol). But I have finished out the course with 100% and am determined so score high enough on the exam to graduate with high honors.
I have started to loose weight finally. Not a lot but hey, progress is progress. I am almost done with bc started my last month last night and I'm also taking Raspberry ketones as well to help control appetite and help energy levels. Between that and doing 10 minute trainer as well as combatives with the hubby I feel better than ever.
I've finally gotten confidence in myself and started to find myself again so it has truly helped with our marriage and as a family unit.
Monkey is well my little monkey :). He's all boy for sure and as rowdy as ever but so smart. We're working on potty training still but he has his colors and shapes down, can count to 5 and knows most of his letters. He is a boy so he can be mean but he has the best manners I have ever seen from a 2 year old, (please, thank you, yes ma'am/sir, and no ma'am/sir). He covers his mouth and nose when he sneezes or coughs. He's for sure growing up way too fast on me.
Harley is busy studying for SOM board and promotion board and is doing an amazing job :). I am so proud of him.

Well I guess that's about got everyone caught up

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