Monday, May 7, 2012

Bumps in the Road

I have a serious problem with starting off so strong and focused and then just losing motivation and slacking off. I have let myself down majorly this weekend. I feel like I need a swift kick in my butt. I have barely exercised and hadn't touched my school work until today. I have never been one to believe in reading positive reinforcements to yourself everyday but I am honestly considering it.

Even with the fact of avoiding school the last 3 days I am almost done with the program and then its getting funding for my certification exam. Hopefully finishing up quicker will give me plenty of time to study and prepare for my final and certification. 

Harley is finally getting promoted June 1st. It has been much deserved for a long time. I am so proud of the person and soldier he is becoming. I know he's going to make a great leader and hopefully one day a great officer. In the short year he has been out of AIT and in an active unit he has received so much praise and recognition. We all can't help but brag about him :). I never imagined being a military wife until I was one at the age of 18 but now I can't imagine the day he retires and I'm living the civilian lifestyle again. It's going to be a major adjustment.

I have been avoiding the scales for months but I am breaking down on payday and buying one. I'm going to make some kind of visual aid to help keep me on track and keep me motivated. I don't care about how I look but about how I feel. I feel so uncomfortable and not like myself. I want my self confidence back and I'm going to make it happen. 

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